Professor Liang-Feng Huang (黄良锋 研究员 博士研究生导师)
- Key Laboratory of Advanced Marine Materials;
- Research Center for Advanced Interdisciplinary Sciences;
- Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Phone: +86-0574-86683209
Office: 国科大材料学院-遍观楼1202
Academic Career (学术履历)
2018—Now, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China [中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所,宁波,浙江省,中国]
2015—2018, Department Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, United States [西北大学,材料科学与工程系,埃文斯顿,伊利诺伊州,美国]
2012—2014, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany [马克斯-普朗克研究学会 钢铁研究所,杜塞尔多夫,北莱茵-威斯特法伦州,德国]
2006—2012, Doctor of Science, Condensed Matter Physics, Institue of Solid State Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, Anhui, China [中国科学院-固体物理研究所,合肥,安徽省,中国] 毕业时获“中科院院长奖学金-优秀奖”
2002—2006, Bachelor of Science, Applied Physics, Northeastern University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China [东北大学,应用物理系,沈阳,辽宁省,中国]
Selected Publications (代表性学术论文)
Q. He, T.-Y. Sun, L.-F. Huang*, Chemical-bonding and lattice-deformation mechanisms unifying the stability and diffusion trends of hydrogen in TiN and AlN polymorphs, Acta Materialia 281, 120447 (2024).
S. Zhang#, T.-Y. Sun#, Z. Wang, R. Zhang, Y. Lin, S. Xiao, G. Su, J. Bi, P. Li, H. Zhang, L. Liang, F. Yang, Q. Zhang, L.-F. Huang*, Y. Cao*, Engineering carrier density and effective mass of plasmonic TiN films by tailoring nitrogen vacancies, Nano Letters 24, 12568-12575 (2024).
N. Zhang, Q. He, L. Zhang, J. Zhang, L. Huang*, X. Yao*, Homogeneous fluorine doping towards highly conductive and stable Li10GeP2S12 solid electrolyte for all-solid-state lithium batteries, Advanced Materials 36, 2408903 (2024).
T.-Y. Sun, J.-T. Ye, G. Zhang*, H. Li, R. Qiu*, L.-F. Huang*, Environmental stability of actinide oxides mapped by integrated and accurate first-principles calculations, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128, 8505-8521 (2024).
Z. Guo#, M. Ge#, Y.-Q. Zhou#, J. Bi*, Q. Zhang, J. Zhang, J.-T. Ye, R. Zhai, F. Ge, Y. Huang, R. Zhang, X. Yao, L.-F. Huang*, Y. Cao*, High resistance of superconducting TiN thin films against environmental attack, Materials Horizons 11, 5972-5982 (2024).
Y. Hao, T.-Y. Sun, J.-T. Ye, L.-F. Huang*, L.-P. Wang*, Accurate simulation for 2D lubricating materials in realistic environments: from classical to quantum mechanical methods, Advanced Materials 36, 2312429 (2024).
L.-F. Huang, Y. Xie, K. Sieradzki, J.M. Rondinelli*, Elemental partitioning and corrosion resistance of Ni-Cr alloys revealed by accurate ab-initio thermodynamic and electrochemical calculations, npj Materials Degradation 7, 94 (2023).
G. Ma#, J. Ye#, M. Qin, T. Sun, W. Tan, Z. Fan, L.-F. Huang*, X. Xin*, Mn-doped NiCoP nanopin arrays as high-performance bifunctional electrocatalysis for sustainable hydrogen production via overall water splitting, Nano Energy 115, 108679 (2023).
Y. Hao, L. Wang*, L.-F. Huang*, Oxygen reduction reaction on MoS2: activity enhancement and biperiodic chemical trends induced by lanthanide dopants, Nature Communications 14, 3256 (2023).
Y. Jin, Q. He, G. Liu, Z. Gu, M. Wu, T. Sun, Z. Zhang*, L. Huang*, X. Yao*, Fluorinated Li10GeP2S12 enables stable all-solid-state lithium batteries, Advanced Materials 35, 2211047 (2023).
Y. Wu, T.-Y. Sun, T. Ge, W. Zhao*, L.-F. Huang*, Eliminating the galvanic corrosion effect of graphene coating by an accurate and rapid self-assembling defect healing approach, Advanced Functional Materials 32, 2110264 (2022).
K. Shi#, A. Dutta#, Y. Hao, M. Zhu, L. He, Y. Pan, X. Xin*, L.-F. Huang*, X. Yao*, J. Wu*, Electrochemical polishing: an effective strategy for eliminating Li dendrites, Advanced Functional Materials 32, 2203652 (2022).
L.-F. Huang, J.M. Rondinelli*, Reliable electrochemical phase diagrams of magnetic transition metals and their complex compounds from ab-initio high-throughput calculations, npj Materials Degradation 3, 26 (2019).
L.-F. Huang, J.R. Scully, and J.M. Rondinelli*, Modelling corrosion with first-principles electrochemical phase diagrams, Annual Review of Materials Research 49, 53-77 (2019).
L.-F. Huang, R.J. Santucci, M. Hutchinson, J.R. Scully, and J.M. Rondinelli*, Improved electrochemical phase diagrams from theory and experiment: The Ni-water system and its complex compounds, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, 9782–9789 (2017).
L.-F. Huang, X.Z. Lu, and J.M. Rondinelli*, Tunable negative thermal expansion in layered perovskites from quasi-two-dimensional vibrations, Physical Review Letters 117, 115901 (2016).
L.-F. Huang, B. Grabowski*, J. Zhang, M.J. Lai, C.C. Tasan, S. Sandloebes, D. Raabe, J. Neugebauer, From electronic structure to phase diagrams: A bottom-up approach to understand the stability of titanium-transition metal alloys, Acta Materialia 113, 311–319 (2016).
L.-F. Huang, P.L. Gong, Z. Zeng*, Correlation between structure, phonon spectra, thermal expansion, and thermomechanics of single-layer MoS2, Physical Review B 90, 045409 (2014).
Research Funds (科研资助项目)
中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类), 《海洋环境耦合腐蚀损伤机理与关键防护材料创制》, 子课题《多物理场腐蚀的跨尺度计算与化学本质》, 2024/12~ 2029/11, 负责人。
中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类), 《摩擦磨损的本质与调控》, 子课题《摩擦磨损起源与控制》, No. XDB0470103,2023/09~ 2028/08,核心骨干。
国家自然科学基金(面上项目),《二维涂层/金属体系在实际使役环境中的微观动力学行为和微结构调控原理的理论研究》, No. 22272192,2023/01~ 2026/12,负责人。
中国科技部(国家重点研发计划),《空间机构长寿命高可靠齿轮传动系统关键技术》子课题《空间环境齿轮超低摩擦磨损固体润滑研究》, No. 2022YFB3402803, 2022/12~2025/11, 核心骨干。
表面物理与化学国家重点实验室(学科发展基金项目),《大气环境下UO2表面电化学吸附行为及其多因素耦合关系的第一性原理模拟》, No. XKFZ202101, 2022/01~2023/12, 负责人。
国家自然科学基金(联合基金项目),《极端环境高可靠功能防护材料力-热-电化学耦合损伤理论与延寿研究》, No. U21A20127, 2022/01/01~2025/12/31, 理论子任务负责人。
国家自然科学基金(专项项目),《极端环境表面与界面基础研究发展战略调研》, No. 52142506, 2022/1/01~2022/12/31, 参与。
宁波自然科学基金(一般项目),《抗腐蚀二维涂层中表界面和缺陷效应微观机理的研究》, No. 2021J229, 2021/7/01~2023/6/30, 负责人。
宁波市3315计划,《复杂环境下优异服役材料的理论模拟和设计》, No. 2019A-17-G, 2019/09/01~2024/08/31, 负责人。
宁波材料所“团队人才”研究员项目,《优异服役材料的机理探索和理论设计》, 2018/12/17~ 2022/12/16, 负责人。
美国国家自然科学基金(美国/以色列双边合作项目),《Multi-Dimensional Defect Engineering of Oxidation Catalysts》, No. BSF-2016079, 2017/10/01~2019/09/30, 参与。
美国国防部-海军研究办公室(MURI项目),《Understanding Corrosion in Four Dimension》, No. N00014-16-1-2280, 2014/05/01~2019/06/30, 参与。
欧盟研究委员会项目,《Adaptive Nanostructures in Next Generation Metallic Materials》, No. 290998, 2012/02/01~2017/01/31, 参与。
Academic Roles (学术角色/任职)
(1) 学术期刊Metals编委成员 (兼任2个部门:腐蚀与防护、金属计算与模拟) [Editorial-board member of the journal Metals, sections of "Corrosion & Protection", "Computation & Simulation on Metals"] [web page]
(2) 学术期刊Surface Science and Technology编委成员 [Editorial-board member of the journal Surface Science and Technology] [web page]
(3) 特聘专家,中国机械工程学会-表面工程分会 [Distinguished Expert, Surface Engineering Institution, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society]
(4) 全国研究生教育评估监测专家, 教育部
(5) 会员,中国腐蚀与防护学会 [Member of Chinese Society of Corrosion & Protection]
(6) 终身会员,中国物理学会 [Member of Chinese Physics Society]
(7) 会员,中国材料研究学会 [Member of Chinese Materials Research Society]
(8) 会员,美国物理学会 [Member of American Physics Society]